
What's the Use of Wings?

by the John Wright Band

"I could have been a giant" said the bonsai tree
"But someone bound my roots and held me down."
"I could have reached the Heavens" said the snowy owl
"But they clipped my wings and kept me on the ground."

"I think I heard them tell me that they loved me
That they'd care for me--without them I would die
But what's the use of roots if you can't spread them?
What's the use of wings if you can't fly?"

"I could have been a singer" said the Myna bird
"But they caged me and told me what to say."
"I could have run forever" said the pony
"But they bridled me and made me go their way."

"I think I heard them tell me that they loved me
That they'd care for me forever so it seems
What's the use of voices without freedom?
What's the use of living others' dreams?"

Why do people cage the things they love the most?
Is it simply that they fear to be alone?
If you give you're love it's freedom, it will stay awhile
If it leaves you, it was never yours to own

"I could have found adventure" said the angelfish
"Now my world's so small there's nowhere left to go."
"I could have ruled a kingdom" said the lion
"Now this land inside my head is all I know."

"I think I heard them tell me that they loved me
That they'd care for me, and tell me it's alright
But what's the use of life without adventure?
What's the use of strength if you can't fight?"

Why do people cage the things they love the most?
Is it simply that they fear to be alone?
If you give you're love it's freedom, it will stay awhile
If it leaves you, it was never yours to own

"I know I heard them tell me that they loved me
That they'd care for me, without them I would die
But what's the use of roots if you can't spread them?
What's the use of wings if you can't fly?"


Yeah, right

La verdad es que... people write when they are lonely. (Ok, that was some kind of provocation and shouldn't be taken serious...) I am drunk and my Netvibes says that I have several new posts to read. It's saturday and I wonder what makes weekends more appelable (I will find the right word to write here later, sorry) then week days to write on blogs. Actually, that's not true as well, so... just forget about it. (I am sounding like Douglas Adams here).

So, yeah. That was just a thought.


The Cluetrain Manifesto and The Incommunicado Reader

I am reading (simultaneously) The Cluetrain Manifesto and The Incommunicado Reader. Both make me somewhat unhappy.

Cluetrain Manifesto (that is an absolutely out of date critique, but it doesn't matter), seems to assume there is only a duality human beings X corporations. How not true is this? How complicate it is to put under the same umbrella people that actually don't really like each other at all and don't want to talk to each other? Don't want to stabilish a conversation?

The incommunicado readers seems to notice this: the discourse of just separating the good from the bad. (I know I am judging, and I promise I will come back and apologize later, when I understand them better. If needed).


El poder justiciero de los blogs

This blog is passing through a sleeping period, but I thought that the message below was worth. Please, if you read this, spread the word. Thank you. From Edgar:
El poder justiciero de los blogs

La idea es la siguiente. Necesito conseguir cualquier material audiovisual (fotos, videos, audios) de la madrugada del 21 de febrero en la estación de RENFE de Sitges (Cataluña, España) y de las actuaciones policiales de esa noche. ¿Por qué? Porque "el proceso" (Kafkiano), entra en su segunda fase, la de defenderme del poder disciplinar. Entonces apelo a tres premisas teóricas y de paso pongo a prueba el poder de La Red para lograr una buena causa. Si hay alguien que tenga algo de este material, pueden enviarlo a: justiciabloggera (arroba) gmail.com Y si alguien quiere echarme la mano "espejeando" este post en su blog, pues se lo agradeceré infinitamente (no importa que no esté en España, ver la premisa 1).

Premisa teórica 1

"La teoría de los 6 grados de separación, se refiere a la idea de que, si una persona está a un "paso" de lejanía de cada persona que conoce, y dos "pasos" de cada persona que es conocida por cada persona que uno conoce, entonces, todas las personas no están a más de seis "pasos" de mi" Via Wikipedia

Premisa teórica 2

La Red (en su versión mercantil de lujo: la Web 2.0), aparece como una nueva forma de percibir al Internet como una plataforma horizontal, democrática y "social", con una "nueva arquitectura de participación-colaboración", donde la persona importante: "eres tú".

Premisa teórica (utópica) 3

El mundo es justo, las instituciones son sólidas, la solidaridad existe y el karma acaba por imponerse.


Can I import my posts to Wordpress?

From blogger? Is this allowed? Uh.

The network IS the society

It is not as simple as it sounds, and it is not new at all. But sometimes we have insights, and sometimes we write them down in our weblogs, and sometimes they're useful to something. (Hey, Edgar, I am giving a gift to someone, I believe. That's somewhat a presumptuous way of thinking, don't you agree? Jeje...)

Anyways, point is: you don't have to include people "socially" AND "digitally". It's the same thing. You see? So, assuming that it IS the same thing, it's absolutelly essential that people that are working for social inclusion ALSO digital include people. Right? Ok. SO. Question: Are those people supposed to be socially including other people, digitally including them?

... does someone have any suggestion about a better of way of putting this? In the direction of transforming it in a research question? Thanks. :)


I am going to bed. In a minute.

But before that, I wanted to write a couple of things here. This blog is a strange cold space still, and I do not feel home yet. I certainly like personal posts betters, it is like you are listening to someone talking about something. Dunno.

I'm sleepy, and, if I don't write here, it will never be home. (Maybe it won't, anyway). Fact is that, my residency request was denied on Wednesday. Crap. Yeah, it is bad, although you don't know much about the whole story anyway. But to make it short, we married (there's the marriage video on my Multiply), and we were sure Spain would allow me to stay here. But, gah, they did not. They will, of course. I mean, not of course, but I believe they will, eventually. There's too much pro and very little agains. Look:

About the Civil Partnership Act 2004, in the UK:



About free movement, family and the European Union


And... thats about it. I just thought I'd write something. And now bed. Yeah.